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The Beginnings of Slot Games

The machine was initiated when a player placed a coin into the game and afterward pulled a handle, or arm, to begin the wheels turning. Fey's plan of a machine with three turning wheels turned into the standard that future machines would be based upon.

What made Fey's game special from the other games is that his machine was the first game intended to pay out in coins. His machine had three reels and each one reel had ten images printed on it. The images were horseshoes, spades, precious stones, hearts and chimes. Getting three symbols could very well win the top prize. This machine would become known as the "Bell" machine.

Restricted Jackpots

The jackpot was restricted on these new games. Since the machine had three reels with ten images on each one reel, there were 1,000 mixes that could be made. The aggregate payout for the sum of the distinctive winning numbers was 750 coins. This amount gave the "House" a 25 percent edge. It is intriguing to note that on Fey's machines the pay table recorded beverages as the prizes, when in actuality the machine really paid out coins. This was an approach to getting around gaming laws. Later versions of slot games might administer mints or gum with each one turn as an alternate approach to get by gaming laws.

A Winning Combination

In 1907, Fey collaborated with Herbert Mills who possessed the Mills Novelty organization. In 1910, the Mills organization presented the "Operators Bell" games had three reels with 20 separate images on each one reel. The machine additionally offered a "gooseneck" coin section. The images on the machines were reinstated with fruits and vegetable images as well as chimes for the top prize. These games weighed over 90 pounds. The Mills organization made 30,000 of these games.

The popularity of slot games spread over the United States despite the fact that they were not legal in numerous States. At the outset, slot games were introduced as new games for the wives and lady friends of the table and classic games players. Today, these games account for greater than seventy five percent of most casino profits. It is amazing to think that Charles Fey could not have envisioned the legacy he was leaving when he created his first slot machine games for the public to enjoy.